Lucy C Darragh International Plant Molecular Biology Conference 2024

Lucy C Darragh

With a career in agriculture spanning over 16 years, Lucy has worked in diverse roles with government, industry and not-for-profit sectors where she has been consistently engaged at the intersection of science, policy, agriculture and the environment. She initially trained as a research agronomist, and most recently has been involved in operations management, industry development, policy research and advocacy roles where she has managed diverse portfolios and provided technical advice on behalf of several Australian agriculture-focused organisations. She has co-authored several journal articles, industry publications and grower resources, and continues to be involved in capacity and capability building initiatives in the Australian agriculture sector and beyond. Lucy is currently a PhD researcher at the Australian National University working with the Australian Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, the ANU Research School of Biology and the Australian Research Council Training Centre for Future Crops Development. Her PhD research project is focused on understanding the complex sociotechnical systems and contexts that encompass agricultural biotechnology. Lucy holds a Bachelor of Agriculure from Charles Sturt University and a Master of Envitonmental Science and Management, specialising in crop physiology and genetics, from the University of New England.

Abstracts this author is presenting: