Kosuke Fukui International Plant Molecular Biology Conference 2024

Kosuke Fukui

I studied agricultural chemistry and phytohormone chemistry under the guidance of Professor Tadao Asami in my doctoral course. Then, I completed a doctoral course at The University of Tokyo in 2015. After my doctoral course, I was employed as a postdoc by Dr. Hitoshi Sakakibara in RIKEN CSRS. The project I was assigned aimed to establish a high-yield, high-quality tomato cultivation method. After a one-year postdoc position, I got a faculty position as an assistant professor at the Laboratory of Professor Ken-ichiro Hayashi at the Okayama University of Science. I studied in the field of plant chemical biology, especially in the catabolism of auxin. I established a chemical inhibitor of auxin catabolism named Kakeimide, and elucidated the main auxin catabolic pathway coordinatedly regulated by GH3-ILR1-DAO enzymes. In 2023, I started my own Labboratoly aiming plant chemical biology at Tokyo University of Science.

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