Jayakumar Bose International Plant Molecular Biology Conference 2024

Jayakumar Bose

Dr Jayakumar (Jay) Bose is an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow (2022–2026) and a former ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Awardee (DECRA; 2017–2020). Dr Bose has spent much of his research career improving abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants by manipulating water and nutrient transport proteins. His research highlights include the discovery of how naturally salt-loving plants (halophytes) tolerate salt in comparison with traditional crops (glycophytes). The fundamental insights he has generated will create targeted opportunities to introduce salt-tolerance genes into salt-sensitive crops, creating rapid, step-change improvements in crop productivity in saline soils, and bolstering food security for Australian and global populations into the future.

Abstracts this author is presenting: