Yidan Ouyang International Plant Molecular Biology Conference 2024

Yidan Ouyang

Yidan Ouyang Ph. D. Professor College of Life Science and Technology National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement Huazhong Agricultural University Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China Education background 1999-2003 Bachelor in Biological Sciences, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University 1999-2003 Bachelor in English, School of Foreign Language, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2003-2008 Ph.D.in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University Research and academic work experience 2009-present Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University 2012-2013 Visiting Scholar, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago 2011-2014 Research Associate, National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University Academic part-time job Member of the editorial board of “Journal of Integrative Plant Biology”, “RICE”, “Seed Biology” and other academic journals Reviewer of Nature, Science and other academic journals Research Interests Combined with genetics, molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics methods, research the biological mechanism of reproductive isolation, hybrid sterility and heterosis in rice in different levels such as protein molecules, cell development and population evolution. Representative Papers 1. Zhang H*, Yu F*, Xie P*, Sun S*, Qiao X*, Tang S, Chen CX, Yang S, Mei C, Yang D, Wu Y, Xia R, Li X, Lu J, Liu Y, Xie X, Ma D, Xu X, Liang Z, Feng Z, Huang X, Yu H, Liu G, Wang Y, Li J, Zhang Q, Chen C, Ouyang Y, Xie Q (2023) A Gγ protein regulates alkaline sensitivity in crops, Science, 379:1204, F1000 recommendation, ESI highly cited paper 2. Zhou P*, Wang Z*, Zhu X*, Tang Y, Ye L, Yu H, Li Y, Zhang N, Liu T, Wang T, Wu Y, Cao D, Chen Y, Li X, Zhang Q, Xiao J, Yu S, Zhang Q, Mi J, Ouyang Y (2023) A minimal genome design to maximally guarantee fertile inter-subspecific hybrid rice, Molecular Plant, 3. Xu C, Xu Y, Wang Z, Zhang X, Wu Y, Lu X, Sun H, Wang L, Zhang Q, Zhang Q, Li X, Xiao J, Li X, Zhao M, Ouyang Y, Huang X, and Zhang Q (2023) Spontaneous movement of a retrotransposon generated genic dominant male sterility providing a useful tool for rice breeding, National Science Review 10 (9):ewad210. 4. Li X, Ouyang Y, Better time of flower opening, a good time to improve the efficiency of hybrid seed production (2022) Molecular Plant, 15:940-942 5. Jiang H, Lu Q, Qiu S, Yu H, Wang Z, Yu Z, Lu Y, Wang L, Xia F, Wu Y, Li F, Zhang Q, Liu G, Song D, Ma C, Ding Q, Zhang X, Zhang L, Zhang X, Li X, Zhang J, Xiao J, Li X, Wang N, Ouyang Y, Zhou F, Zhang Q, Fujian cytoplasmic male sterility and the fertility restorer gene OsRf19 provide a promising breeding system for hybrid rice (2022) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119:e2208759119. 6. Mi J*, Li G*, Xu C*, Yang J, Yu H, Wang G, Li X, Xiao J, Song H, Zhang Q, Ouyang Y, Artificial selection in domestication and breeding prevents speciation in rice (2020) Molecular Plant, 13, 650-657 7. Sun S, Wang L, Mao H, Shao L, Li X, Xiao J, Ouyang Y, Zhang Q, A G-protein pathway determines grain size in rice (2018) Nature Communications, 9: 851, F1000 recommendation, ESI highly cited paper 8. Ouyang Y*, Li G*, Mi J*, Xu C, Du H, Zhang C, Xie W, Li X, Xiao J, Song H, Zhang Q (2016) Origination and establishment of a trigenic reproductive isolation system in rice. Molecular Plant 9(11): 1542-1545 9. Ouyang Y, Zhang Q (2013) Understanding reproductive isolation based on the rice model. Annu Rev Plant Biol 64: 111-135 10. Li G*; Li X*; Wang Y; Mi J; Xing F; Zhang D; Dong Q; Li X; Xiao J; Zhang Q; Ouyang Y (2017) Three representative inter and intra-subspecific crosses reveal the genetic architecture of reproductive isolation in rice. Plant Journal 92(3): 349-362, Cover Story 11. Du H*, Ouyang Y*, Zhang C, Zhang Q (2011) Complex evolution of S5, a major reproductive barrier regulator, in the cultivated rice Oryza sativa and its wild relatives. New Phytol 191: 275-287, F1000 recommendation 12. Ouyang Y, Liu YG, Zhang Q (2010) Hybrid sterility in plant: stories from rice. Curr Opin Plant Biol 13: 186-192, Cover Story 13. Chen J*, Ding J*, Ouyang Y*, Du H, Yang J, Cheng K, Zhao J, Qiu S, Zhang X, Yao J, Liu K, Wang L, Xu C, Li X, Xue Y, Xia M, Ji Q, Lu J, Xu M, Zhang Q (2008) A triallelic system of S5 is a major regulator of the reproductive barrier and compatibility of indica-japonica hybrids in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105: 11436-11441, Cover Story, F1000 recommendation 14. Yao W, Li G, Yu Y, Ouyang Y (2018) funRiceGenes dataset for comprehensive understanding and application of rice functional genes. GigaScience 7(1): 1-9 15. Yu Y, Ouyang Y, Yao W (2018) shinyCircos: an R/Shiny application for interactive creation of Circos plot. Bioinformatics 34(7): 1229-1231 16. Yang J*, Zhao X*, Cheng K*, Du H, Ouyang Y, Chen J, Qiu S, Huang J, Jiang Y, Jiang L, Ding J, Wang J, Xu C, Li X, Zhang Q (2012) A killer-protector system regulates both hybrid sterility and segregation distortion in rice. Science 337: 1336-1340 17. Guo J*, Xu C*, Wu D*, Zhao Y, Qiu Y, Wang X, Ouyang Y, Cai B, Liu X, Jing S, Shangguan X, Wang H, Ma Y, Hu L, Wu Y, Shi S, Wang W, Zhu L, Xu X, Chen R, Feng Y, Du B, He G (2018) Bph6 encodes an exocyst-localized protein and confers broad resistance to planthoppers in rice. Nature Genetics 50: 297-306 18. Zhang L*, Ren Y*, Yang T, Li G, Chen J, Gschwend AR, Yu Y, Hou G, Zi J, Zhou R, Wen B, Zhang J, Chougule K, Wang M, Copetti D, Peng Z, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Ouyang Y, Wing RA, Liu S, Long M (2019) Rapid evolution of protein diversity by de novo origination in Oryza. Nat Ecol Evol 3 (4):679-690

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