Shouling Xu International Plant Molecular Biology Conference 2024

Shouling Xu

Dr. Xu received her Ph.D. in Biology from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill with Dr. Joseph Kieber. She did her joint postdoctoral work with Dr. Zhiyong Wang at Carnegie and Dr. Alma Burlingame at the UCSF Mass Spectrometry Facility, focusing on the characterization of protein complexes and modifications using proteomics tools. She then spent a year at ThermoFisher Scientific in proteomics marketing, focusing on targeted quantification and instrumentation. In 2017, Dr. Xu became the principal investigator and director of the Carnegie Mass Spectrometry Facility at the Carnegie Institution. Her MS facility collaborates with Carnegie and Stanford biology labs, applying proteomics to advance biological research. Her lab uses advanced mass spectrometry techniques, such as proximity labeling and cross-linking mass spectrometry, to study nutrient sensing, alternative splicing mechanisms, and plant altas.

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