Sanghoon Park International Plant Molecular Biology Conference 2024

Sanghoon Park

Name: Sanghoon Park Position: Graduate student (Ph.D. candidate) Organisation & Department: DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology), NewBiology Country: South Korea Doctoral advisor: Professor, Hye Ryun Woo (DGIST) Research area: Leaf senescence, DNA Damage, DNA-Protein Crosslink, Arabidopsis Publishing history: 1. Histone variant HTB4 delays leaf senescence by epigenetic control of Ib bHLH transcription factor-mediated iron homeostasis (2023). New Phytol. 240(2):694-709 2. ETHYLENE RESPONSIVE FACTOR34 mediates stress-induced leaf senescence by regulating salt stress-responsive genes (2022). Plant Cell Environ. 45(6):1719-1733 3. ORESARA 15, a PLATZ transcription factor, controls root meristem size through auxin and cytokinin signaling-related pathways (2022). J Exp Bot. 73(8):2511-2524 4. ORESARA15, a PLATZ transcription factor, mediates leaf growth and senescence in Arabidopsis (2018). New Phytol. 220(2):609-623 Sanghoon Park is currently a PhD student at the DGIST in South Korea.

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