Oral Presentation International Plant Molecular Biology Conference 2024

Teaching Plant Success (#489)

Hanh Vo 1 , Tom Fisher 2 , Christopher Ray 1 , Eloise Foo 1 , Emma Horswill 1
  1. Centre of Excellence for Plant Success, School of Natural Sciences, University of Tasmania, Hobart 7000, Tasmania, Australia
  2. Centre of Excellence for Plant Success, School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne 3800, Victoria, Australia

The Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture1 are a team of academics, students, industry, government and educational partners from across Australia working on evolutionary systems biology and predictive mathematics to deliver novel strategies for improving ecosystem management, crop resilience, and yield. We have a major focus on outreach and engagement of school children and the wider community to inspire diverse people to care about plants and educate them on future plant-based solutions. In this presentation you will hear about our approach and examples from a Post-doc and two PhD students. We will highlight key principals you can achieve successful outreach and research engagement. Firstly, identify your area of strength. Do you love writing, presenting? Are you a creative thinker? Can you help design computer programs or graphics? Do you take great photos? Do you enjoy engaging with school-aged children? Secondly, seek out partnerships that can help connect you with your audience, such as community groups or education providers (such as The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program2). Thirdly, design activities that include creativity and hands-on experiences, as these will provide the best kind of learning that are sure to stick! And lastly, if you are hoping teachers will run your activities you must align them to the current Australian Curriculum. Be inspired to produce your own Outreach through our catalogue for hands-on science festival, creative online resources, novel ways to reach the masses via social media profiles, and how to prioritise fun in learning!

  1. https://www.plantsuccess.org/
  2. https://www.kitchengardenfoundation.org.au/