Poster Presentation International Plant Molecular Biology Conference 2024

How Does S. Macrocarpon Express Aluminium Toxicity (#1)

Emmanuel Mr Kalu 1
  1. Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, ABIA, Nigeria

The purpose of this work is to map out how Aluminium (Al) toxicity is expressed in plants using Solanum macrocarpon. Field and laboratory sections were performed. The field studies measured response of the plant to Al using germination and yield parameters while the laboratory studies studied how changes in peroxidase enzymes and chlorophyll values. The concentrations of Al used as treatment for these studies were 6X10-4Mol AlCl3,  9X10-4 Mol AlCl3,  12x10-4 MolAlCl3  and blank, which served as control. Field studies were carried out in the open field (before the rainy season) using CRBD experimental design and the following parameters were investigated: germination rate, percentage germination, day of emergence. Chlorophyll content, Peroxidase enzyme and Yield parameters were investigated on D35 and D80.  Data collected were subjected to ANOVA analysis and means compared by LSD (P ≤ 0.05).  The field data showed no significance difference. The chlorophyll content showed no significance. Peroxidase enzyme were significantly different.